Pham Thien An Cinematic Tapestry: ‘Inside the Yellow Cocoon Shell

Pham Thien An Cinematic Tapestry: Vietnamese director Pham Thien An’s debut feature, “Inside the Yellow Cocoon Shell,” skillfully juxtaposes moments of profound significance with the day-to-day stillness of life. An, demonstrating a remarkable eye for visuals, infuses the film with bright and vivid colors that leap off the screen. Employing extended takes, he masterfully reframes images, allowing characters to seamlessly transition from close-ups to long shots.

The narrative unfolds as Thien (Le Phang Vu) engages in a discussion about the meaning of life with friends during a seemingly mundane soccer game. The scene, set against the backdrop of costumed mascots and beer vendors, takes an unexpected turn with a sudden motorbike crash, resulting in the tragic death of Thien’s sister-in-law and the survival of her 5-year-old daughter. This poignant moment, captured in a single take, encapsulates the film’s overarching theme.

Tasked with caring for the young girl, Thien returns to his hometown from Saigon, navigating Catholic funeral rites and engaging in conversations that delve into the experiences of an old man who fought in the Vietnam War. An employs a compelling visual approach, starting with distant shots that gradually move in, allowing the audience to witness the emotional nuances of the characters.

While “Inside the Yellow Cocoon Shell” doesn’t fully unveil An’s directorial voice beyond his slow-cinema influences, the film successfully explores life’s profound questions, culminating in a final scene that resonates with earned peace. In anticipation of Kino Lorber’s release at NYC’s Film at Lincoln Center, An shared insights into his filmmaking process via Zoom.

Pham Thien An Cinematic Tapestry (2)

The Film Stage: The standout scene in the film involves an old man. How relevant is the Vietnam War for young Vietnamese individuals like Thien?

Pham Thien An: The war, especially discussions involving American soldiers and the South Vietnamese army, was sensitive until a couple of decades ago. However, people are now more open to discussing it. I stumbled upon an interview with a veteran on YouTube, leading me to him and discovering his unique story. The scene was shot in one take, carefully rehearsed for two weeks to capture the geography and emotions accurately.

Regarding the film’s colors, I aimed to present them as naturally as possible, incorporating the time of day during filming. My intervention focused on maintaining simplicity during color grading, adjusting saturation for visual comfort.

Despite living in Houston, I prefer making films in Vietnam. The U.S. feels unfamiliar culturally, and my roots are deeply embedded in Vietnamese culture. I want my films to authentically capture the essence of Vietnam.

I favor still shots with minimal camera movement to bring the audience closer to the characters. This technique reflects a desire to delve into the character’s inner world. The film experiments with various approaches, with more camera movement at the beginning, showcasing my exploration as a first-time feature director.


How do you watch inside the yellow cocoon shell?

Explore “Inside the Yellow Cocoon Shell” on Netflix, an intriguing watch that delves into captivating content. Engage with the narrative encapsulated within the confines of this unique cinematic experience.

Inside the yellow cocoon shell ending

In the final scene, Thien finds solace lying in a small river, suggesting he has discovered answers within his dreams. Despite the futile search, his soul undergoes a gradual recovery.

Inside the Yellow Cocoon Shell Cast

Le Phong Vu ,Dylan Besseau ,Nguyen Thi Truc Quynh ,Nguyen Thinh, Vu Ngoc Manh

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