Prime Video has unveiled a brand new trailer for “007 Road to A Million,” featuring the acclaimed actor Brian Cox. This exciting competition series follows contestants as they vie for a £1 million prize, and the challenges kick off on November 10. Set against the backdrop of iconic Bond locations such as Venice, Jamaica, and the Scottish Highlands, participants will face high-altitude climbs, the elements, and casino games in their quest for the grand prize. While reality competition series are not a novel concept, this one is shot with exquisite attention to detail.
Brian Cox assumes the role of the Bond villain in the series, adding a dramatic touch as he designs challenges that will push the hopeful contestants to their limits. Cox shared his thoughts on the series, saying, “I got to see how ordinary people would cope with being on a James Bond adventure. As they travel the world to some of the most iconic Bond locations, it gets more intense and nail-biting. I enjoyed my role as both villain and tormentor, with license to put the hopeful participants through the mangle.”
“007 Road to A Million” plays on the audience’s expectations of Cox as a villain, especially after his compelling performance in “Succession.” The series on Prime Video combines various winning elements, making it a highly anticipated show set to debut in November.
The show’s premise revolves around contestants competing in teams of two on a global adventure with the ultimate goal of winning up to £1 million. Filmed in iconic Bond locations, including the Scottish Highlands, Venice, and Jamaica, the series tests contestants’ intelligence, endurance, and heroism. In addition to conquering physical obstacles, teams must correctly answer questions hidden in different locations worldwide to progress to the next challenge.
Despite the growing presence of James Bond on television, it’s worth noting that there are no plans for a Bond TV miniseries, according to 007 producer Barbara Broccoli. The focus remains on creating feature films, with Bond movies being tailored for the big screen, ensuring they are enjoyed by audiences worldwide.
So, as “007: Road to A Million” takes viewers on a thrilling journey through iconic Bond locations, it promises to deliver high-stakes competition and cinematic excitement to the small screen. The series premieres on Prime Video on November 10, and it’s sure to be a must-watch for Bond fans and reality competition enthusiasts alike.
Also read: Siskel and Ebert: Truth-Telling Pioneers of Film Criticism
Our Reader’s Queries
Is 007: Road to a Million real or fake?
Folks should be aware that 007: Road to a Million is a reality competition show with a nod to James Bond’s adventures.
What is the race to a million 007?
007: Road to a Million is an exciting reality competition show based on the popular James Bond series. Led by famous host Brian Cox, the show showcases nine pairs of contestants as they race to win £1 million by completing a variety of spy-themed challenges.
Is there season 2 of 007: Road to a Million?
Producers declared the show’s second season two months prior to the debut of the first season. The deadline for participants to apply has been pushed to December 31, 2023.
Where was 007: Road to a Million filmed?
The settings range from the rugged Scottish Highlands and the remote Atacama Desert in Chile to the breathtaking Swiss Alps and charming streets of Venice.