Rebecca Loos Speaks Out on David Beckham’s Netflix Series

Rebecca Loos Speaks: Rebecca Loos has come forward, accusing David Beckham of painting himself as a victim in his Netflix series, thereby casting her as a liar and suggesting that she made Victoria Beckham suffer indirectly.

In 2004, Loos, now 47, gained fame when she claimed to have had an affair with the former England captain and sold her story to the media, an allegation consistently denied by the Beckhams. However, in the documentary series, Victoria described the aftermath of these allegations as the most challenging period of their marriage.

Loos shared her perspective on David Beckham’s demeanor in the new programs, describing it as excessively self-pitying. In an interview with the Mail on Sunday, she stated, “He can say whatever he likes, of course, and I understand he has an image to preserve, but he is portraying himself as the victim and he’s making me look like a liar – like I’ve made up these stories. He is indirectly suggesting that I’m the one who has made Victoria suffer.”

Rebecca Loos Speaks (2)

She also asserted that Beckham brought her back into the spotlight against her wishes. Loos pointed out, “So many people had forgotten about all of this. He’s dragged it back up again in a way that is affecting my reputation.”

While Loos had positive words for Victoria Beckham, describing the Spice Girl as “coming across well, very natural, very honest, very open,” she didn’t hold the same view of David Beckham. After the documentary’s release, she shared her reaction, stating, “I went online and saw all the articles. I sat on the sofa and just watched that one episode and was, well, shocked.”

Today, happily married with two children, Rebecca Loos is a yoga teacher and works as a medical assistant in Norway.

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Our Reader’s Queries

What channel is Rebecca Loos interview on?

Rebecca Loos breaks her silence in a much-anticipated live interview following the release of the Beckhams’ Netflix series. The saying “it takes two to tango” comes to mind as Loos shares her perspective on the events portrayed. Tune in to ITV News to catch this exclusive interview.

How did Victoria Beckham meet David?

In 1997, David Beckham and Victoria Beckham (formerly known as Posh Spice) first met at a Manchester United game in London. Victoria, known for her role in the Spice Girls, was a shy spectator who simply waved at David from across the bar.

Who is Fisher Stevens Beckham?

Upon initial observation, Fisher Stevens, an American actor and filmmaker, may not have seemed like the most fitting candidate to lead the four-part Netflix documentary series centered around the legendary English soccer player, David Beckham. This sentiment was also echoed by Stevens himself, who expressed surprise at being chosen for the project, questioning “why me for David Beckham?”

What age is Rebecca Loos?

Rebecca Loos, born on 19 June 1977, is a former Dutch glamour model and media personality. She gained fame after alleging that she had an affair with married footballer David Beckham, during her time as his personal assistant.

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