Constantine Sequel” the action-packed supernatural thriller from 2005, is set to receive a sequel that promises to maintain its gritty intensity. Director Francis Lawrence, who helmed the original and will return for the upcoming sequel, recently disclosed plans for the eagerly awaited installment during a candid interview on the BroBible Post Credit Podcast.
The team behind the film, which includes the talented Keanu Reeves as the enigmatic protagonist John Constantine, has reclaimed creative control of the character. Lawrence, along with Reeves and Akiva Goldsman, the original film’s collaborator, has begun brainstorming ideas for the sequel. However, the progress has been temporarily halted by the ongoing strike.
“Nevertheless,” Lawrence emphasized, “we’re actively brewing up concepts for part two, and rest assured, it will retain its distinctive R-rating,” he affirmed.
Based on DC’s Hellblazer comics, the first movie delves into Constantine’s tormented existence as he battles sinister forces and malevolent demons. The film’s global earnings exceeded $200 million, marking its impact on audiences worldwide.
The sequel, slated to be penned by Goldsman, will be produced by Weed Road Pictures, J.J. Abrams’ Bad Robot, and Hannah Minghella, as initially reported by Deadline in September 2022.
While Lawrence refrained from revealing intricate details about the upcoming installment, he teased the audience, suggesting a narrative that would potentially explore an older iteration of John Constantine rather than simply picking up where the first film left off.
Reeves, known for his dedication to roles, has consistently expressed his enthusiasm to reprise the role of the trenchcoat-clad hero. In a conversation with Stephen Colbert in December 2021, Reeves openly expressed his desire to embody John Constantine once more, underscoring his passion for the character.
At a 15th-anniversary panel at San Diego Comic-Con, Goldsman also shared their persistent efforts to bring a sequel to fruition. Despite their determination, the studio had apparently cited underwhelming box-office returns as a hindrance to greenlighting the project.
“Our aim was to craft a hard-R sequel,” Goldsman recalled, “We would make it tomorrow if we could. Unfortunately, it always seemed like a fish out of water to the studios, namely Village Roadshow and Warner Bros.”
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Our Reader’s Queries
Is Constantine 2 coming out?
If Constantine 2 production starts by Thanksgiving, we anticipate a release date in late 2025 or mid-2026, allowing James Gunn to include Constantine in upcoming DCU projects.
Why did Constantine 2 take so long?
The long-awaited sequel to the fan-favorite film Constantine has finally received a significant update, bringing joy to loyal fans of Keanu Reeves. Director Francis Lawrence has disclosed that the delay was caused by the writers’ strike and issues regarding regaining control of the character.
Who is playing in Constantine 2?
“Constantine 2” is the brainchild of director Francis Lawrence and writers Steve Bissette, Jamie Delano, and Akiva Goldsman. The film stars Keanu Reeves and Peter Stormare.
Why Constantine has no sequel?
Constantine 2 was announced just a year ago, which is a short time in Hollywood. However, various issues, such as the writers’ strike and rights complications, have delayed the sequel. These are factors that even John Constantine can’t control. Characters owned by corporations often bring up these kinds of problems.