Matt Rife Controversial Comedy: Comedian Matt Rife faced intense backlash for kicking off his Netflix special, “Natural Selection,” with a controversial domestic abuse joke. Rather than issuing a genuine apology, Rife took an unconventional approach, directing critics to a site selling safety helmets for individuals with special needs.
Social media erupted with condemnation, with one Redditor expressing deep disdain for Rife’s response. The 28-year-old comedian’s special, marked by a tasteless joke about a server with a black eye, drew criticism for its attempt to use domestic violence as a comedic entry point.
Disability advocate @Cooperstreaming remarked, “Matt Rife’s special is so bad because he’s striving to validate himself through misogyny, a desperate and sad endeavor.” Fans, particularly in the LGBTQ+ community, felt betrayed as Rife seemingly pandered to toxic masculinity.
In a peculiar move, Rife offered an unconventional apology on his Instagram story, providing a link to a website selling autism helmets. This gesture only fueled more outrage, prompting Twitter users to predict his downfall.
Rife’s previous work, known for its wit and playfulness on platforms like TikTok and YouTube, sharply contrasted with the crass and uninspired content of his Netflix special. The comedian, previously praised for his humor, now faces scrutiny for what some perceive as a betrayal of his true nature.
Despite a successful ProbleMATTic World Tour, Rife’s Netflix special mixed reviews. The streaming giant, yet to respond to inquiries, labeled “Natural Selection” as “charmingly ruthless
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Our Reader’s Queries
What comedy show was Matt Rife on?
Rife gained fame for his self-made comedy specials like Only Fans (2021), Matthew Steven Rife (2023), and Walking Red Flag (2023). He also starred in the 2023 Netflix special Natural Selection and had a recurring role on the sketch improv comedy and rap show Wild ‘n Out.
Who is Matt Rife’s gf?
Meet Jessica Lord, the stunning British influencer and girlfriend of Matt Rife.
What is Matt Rifes net worth?
Matt Rife’s knack for connecting with crowds through humor has not only boosted his wealth but also cemented his place in the comedy world. Ultimately, his estimated net worth of $30 million reflects his remarkable accomplishments and lasting influence in the realm of comedy.