Ridley Scott’s Epic Reunion: Director Ridley Scott and actor Joaquin Phoenix reunite for the first time since their work in the iconic 2000 film Gladiator. In this historical epic, Napoleon, Phoenix embodies Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of the French, during his ascendancy and tumultuous relationship with Joséphine (Vanessa Kirby). While the film grapples with pacing and screenplay issues and may not be the pinnacle of Scott or Phoenix’s careers, it leaves a lasting impact.
Scott’s grand cinematic spectacle demands the expansive canvas of the big screen. Despite some pacing and scripting challenges, Napoleon immerses viewers in a brutal depiction of historical warfare, vividly capturing a harrowing chapter in history. Scott’s mastery is evident in his ability to paint the atmosphere with stunning cinematography, creating settings that could be museum-worthy. His eye for spectacle shines in unforgettable sequences of epic scope.
The film unflinchingly portrays the merciless violence under Napoleon’s rule. Scott, with his steady hand behind the camera, vividly showcases the blood, pain, and death prevalent during Napoleon’s battles. The battle sequences, though occasionally self-indulgent in length, stand out as riveting set pieces, reaffirming Scott’s mastery in creating captivating scenes.
A significant aspect of Napoleon is the portrayal of Napoleon’s relationship with Joséphine, a focal point that feels surprisingly relevant. The film delves into their intense love life, constantly under public scrutiny, reminiscent of today’s tabloid exposure of celebrity relationships. As their relationship navigates infidelity and impassioned moments, Napoleon’s obsessive control and their unfaithful natures keep them in the public eye.
The depiction of Napoleon by writer David Scarpa is multifaceted, showcasing his dedication to country, strategic acumen in war, and the complexity of his character at home with his wife. Scarpa creates a nuanced portrayal that elicits both respect and disdain. However, occasional unintentional hilarity and overdramatization in the dialogue dilute the seriousness of pivotal moments.
While some sex scenes feel awkward and passionless, it’s unclear how much is intentional. The film captures the tumultuous emotions in Napoleon and Joséphine’s marriage, where love and hate coexist. The movie’s pacing is inconsistent, with moments of epic filmmaking contrasting with slower sections.
Phoenix delivers an excellent performance as Napoleon, disappearing into the character, though his self-serious interpretation of the dialogue may be a drawback. Kirby as Joséphine stands out with an alluring presence, and the supporting cast, along with the stunt team, exhibits commitment. The production design effectively transports audiences to the 1700s and 1800s.
In conclusion, Napoleon showcases Scott’s directorial prowess, despite its rough edges. Monumental and gorgeously shot, it offers a cinematic experience that Hollywood rarely produces. With Ridley Scott’s unmistakable visual flair, the film may not outshine Phoenix and Scott’s previous collaboration but remains an unforgettable cinematic journey.
Also read: Napoleon Review: Ridley Scott’s Ambitious Epic Unveils Grandeur Amid Emotional Shadows
Our Reader’s Queries
Is the new Napoleon movie historically accurate?
The movie takes some historical liberties for entertainment value. While it captures the essence of Napoleon’s remarkable career, the specific details don’t always align with historical accounts.
What is Ridley Scott’s best movie?
1. Alien (1979) – Ridley Scott’s highest-rated film on Rotten Tomatoes, with a solid 93%.
2. The Martian (2015) – A close second, with a 91% rating.
3. Blade Runner (1982) – Another classic from Scott, coming in at 89%.
4. Thelma & Louise (1991) – This fan-favorite sits at a respectable 86%.
5. The Last Duel (2021) – One of Scott’s more recent ventures, holding strong at 85%.
6. American Gangster (2007) – A solid 81% for this crime drama.
7. Gladiator (2000) – Another fan-favorite, at 79%.
8. All the Money in the World (2017) – Tying for the lowest spot at 79%, but still a worthwhile watch.
Is Joaquin Phoenix going to play Napoleon?
Joaquin Phoenix and Vanessa Kirby are set to star in a new film about Napoleon Bonaparte. The movie will focus on Napoleon’s ascent to power and his marriage to Joséphine. Director Ridley Scott has labeled this as his upcoming project, with the film set to be released in the near future.