Iron Man Will Not Return: Marvel Studios Closes the Chapter on Robert Downey Jr.’s Iconic Character

Iron Man Will Not Return: In the ever-expanding Marvel Cinematic Universe, there’s a resolute decision echoing through the halls of Kevin Feige’s realm: Robert Downey Jr.’s portrayal of Iron Man is a closed chapter. As revealed in a recent Vanity Fair profile on the actor, Feige, the president of Marvel Studios, provided a definitive update for fans yearning for Tony Stark’s return.

Addressing the topic of Downey reprising his role, Feige stated, “We are going to keep that moment and not touch that moment again.” He emphasized the significance of Tony Stark’s journey, acknowledging the hard work and emotional investment that went into crafting the character’s arc, culminating in his poignant exit in 2019’s Avengers: Endgame.

Endgame director Joe Russo added that the cast and crew bid tearful goodbyes on the last day of shooting the film. “Everybody had moved on emotionally,” he said. “We promised [Downey] it would be the last time we made him do it — ever.”

Iron Man Will Not Return (1)

For Downey, returning for that final line as Stark was a challenging task. Co-director Anthony Russo shared, “When he did come back, we were shooting on a stage directly opposite where he auditioned for Tony Stark. So his last line as Tony Stark was shot literally a couple hundred feet from his original audition that got him the role.”

Feige also revealed a fascinating tidbit from the early days of casting for Iron Man in 2008. Marvel Entertainment executives were initially wary of casting Downey due to his past legal troubles. However, Feige’s determination and the idea of a screen test ultimately paved the way for Downey to embody the iconic character, marking the beginning of a journey that spanned 10 films over more than a decade.

As Feige reflected on the journey, he said, “I wasn’t very good — and I’m still not great — at taking no for an answer. But I also don’t pound my chest to try to get my way.” The collaboration between Feige, Downey, and the entire Marvel team resulted in three films ranking among the 10 highest-grossing movies of all time.

This revelation comes as a definitive assurance to fans that the legacy of Iron Man, as portrayed by Robert Downey Jr., stands as a poignant and concluded chapter in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Also read: Spider Man Future: Tom Holland Reflects on Legacy and Uncertainty

Our Reader’s Queries

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Robert Downey Jr. will not be reprising his role as Tony Stark, as confirmed by Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige. Feige made it clear that they have no intention of revisiting that particular storyline. Amidst speculation of the original “Avengers” regrouping, Feige stated that Robert Downey Jr. has no plans to return as Tony Stark.

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What was the last movie Robert Downey Jr was in?

2018 brought Tony Stark/Iron Man in Avengers: Infinity War, followed by Avengers: Endgame in 2019. In 2020, Dr. John Dolittle graced the screens in Dolittle. Looking ahead to 2022, we can anticipate his appearance as “Sr.” alongside 79 more titles.

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